Friday, August 26, 2011

Beware False Profits

The palates for the chosen shall taste the glory of Rum.  But, beware the false profits, for they will attempt to lead you astray. Their path will be laid upon the ground in hellfire and will probably require you to duck in a fiendish game of limbo.  Bags... it'll also be served in bags.


  1. ALTHOUGH this would be much easier to bring camping than a cooler full of mixers. ::Devil's Advocate::

  2. Wink, sloth is the sin that brings forth such abominations as this chemical cauldron of chaos! It is written, "Thou shalt work the punches by hand. Juice from fresh fruit shall be the only nectar used. Sugars from the fields shined upon by the sun and moon shall perfect thy bowl. Mix thy fountain of civilization for thy guests and take with thee into eternity." Is a few minutes of ease really worth an eternity of damnation?!
